The Products

In general

The development of our product in a laboratory stage was conducted by Prof. Ioannis Nikolakakis, director of the laboratory of pharmaceutical technology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 

The active ingredient of our products is oregano oil, produced by steam distillation of Greek Oregano (Origanum Vulgare ssp. Hirtum).


The oregano oil

The formula we produce (premixture of feed additives) has as a main and active ingredient the essence oil of oregano. It also contains other ingredients, approved by the EU and included the official European Regulation (EC) 1831/2003. Those ingredients are used to:

• Achieve emulsification of the essence oil of oregano

• Offer to the premixture properties of controlled release of the active ingredient

These substances create the conditions for the controlled dissemination of the main ingredient, so that the oregano essence oil can be released in the stomach of the animal within two hours by 50%; the rest 50% is released in the animal’s intestines. Each production batch is separately tested for the mechanism and time of active ingredient dissemination by the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 

The oregano oil is rich in various phenols, most important of which is carvacrol. Carvacrol has been used extensively for the disinfection of tools and surfaces, due to its strong anti-microbial properties. It is the substance that gives the oregano spice this distinctive, bitter taste. Another basic ingredient of oregano oil is thymol, an isomer of carvacrol with similar properties. The oregano oil used in our products has a carvacrol percentage of 78%-85%.

Further to that, the oregano oil contains other substances such as terpenes, rosmarinic acid, naringine and beta-caryophyllene. Other elements of the oregano oil are calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, manganese and vitamins C, A (beta carotene) and niasine (B3).

During the production process, the oregano oil is enriched in carvacrol by a natural method (quasi-fractional distillation) so that the carvacrol content in the final product is over 85%

Oregano oil has:

  • Antibioticproperties
  • Antifungal properties
  • Antibacterial properties
  • Antiparasitic
  • Antioxidants
  • Coccidiostatic

In addition, oregano oil: 

  • improves animal welfare 
  • increases their muscle mass 
  • reduces diarrhea and mortality, mainly in small animals 
  • improves meat flavor 
  • improves the fat content of the meat, milk and eggs, by reducing saturated and increasing unsaturated fats
  • Reduces methane release from polygastric animals by 40%

The chemical structure of carvacrol causes the disintegration of the cellular membrane of the gram-negative bacteria. It creates an environment hostile for bacteria, fungi and viruses, inhibiting their reproduction without disrupting the natural, useful and necessary fauna of the intestines, contrary to the common antibacterial and antibiotic medicines.

Many essential oils, cold pressed oils and extracts are known to have properties similar to those of the oregano oil. In vivo and in vitro studies on the inhibitory action of those substances against bacteria, fungi and viruses, showed that carvacrol is the most active of all for that matter.

Oregano essence oil has proved exceptionally antibacterial against:

Shigella, Escherichia Coli 157, Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter Jejuni, Helicobacter pylori, pseudomonas aeruginosa, micrococcus Kristinae, micrococcus lylae, micrococcus varians, Bacillus flavus, micrococcus rarians, Bacillus brevis, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus, Paenibacillusmacerans, Bacillus cereus, Yersinia enterocolitica, enterococcus faecalis, clostridium perfingens, morganella morganii, proteus vulgaris, proteus mirabilis, staphylococcus epidermidis, staphylococcus aurens, Enterobacter ae, borrelia burgdorferi, Klebsiella pneumoniae,serratia marcescens, mycoplasma hominis, mycobacterium tuberculosis, salmonella enterica, salmonella Typhimurium serovar.

All the above are supported in the chapter “studies”.

Oregano oil is suitable for: 

  • birds   
  • sheep and goats   
  • cattle   
  • pork   
  • fish   
  • furry animals 
  • Pets

Comparative advantage

Compared to similar products based on oregano oil that are commercialized in solid form, ours excel because the oregano-oil emulsion is encysted into the grains created by the rest of the components and is dissipated gradually and in a controlled fashion.


Certifications - Checks

1. Upon receipt of raw materials.

2. Storage conditions of raw materials.

3. During the production process.

4. On the final product:


Product Types


VISNAT  Liquid

Oregano oil emulsion with a concentration of 5%. Dissolves in the drinking water given to the animals in the content indicated on the package of the preparation. Suitable for animals and birds.



cellulose granules of size 0,2 to 0,8 mm impregnated with oregano oil (5%) and coated with enteric soluble film. It has been found that oregano oil in the stomach environment is delivered to the animal's body at a rate of only 50% within 2 hours. (link) The remaining 50% is released into the intestinal environment.

The product is innovative and patented. (OBI 1010500) 

VISNAT 1 (+)

VISNAT1, enriched with other substances that enhance its coccidiostatic properties.


It is an organic product from organic oregano essential oil. All other materials used in its production are certified as organic, approved by the EU. The product is certified organic by an authorized organization. Suitable for producers of livestock organic products.


The above product VISNAT 1 is mixed with a feed mixture containing vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, etc. in a ratio of 20 Kg of mixture and 0.5 Kg of VISNAT 1. The mixture is selected and prepared according to customer requirements with any composition.

Grains of attapulgite or zeolite up to 1,1 mm in size impregnated with oregano oil (5%).

Organic oregano oil emulsion (5%) suitable for human use